Resonance Podiatry in Mana is located within the multidisciplinary clinic at the Mana Medical Centre, just north of Porirua city along State Highway 1. Our medical complex also is the home to a team of physiotherapists, orthopaedic surgeons, doctors and psychologist allowing our podiatrists the opportunity to work collaboratively. We have two clinical rooms; a general podiatry room where our experienced podiatrists treat comfort care related foot issues as well as perform minor foot surgical procedures. Our second room is the one of a kind ‘gait lab’ where our clinicians use video gait and postural analysis as a tool which helps give a clear clinical picture, assisting our team in identifying the cause of imbalances resulting in pain. We use leading edge technology consisting of force platforms embedded in a static walkway to monitor forces and pressures produced between you and the ground; specialised computer-interfaced video cameras to measure patient motion; and sophisticated software which provides valuable patient data. This allows the Mana podiatry clinic to treat and manage a diverse array of clientele; from the young and the ‘young at heart’.
Mana Podiatry is a registered ACC provider and an Allied Health Services Standard accredited clinic.
Mana orthopaedics
Our podiatrists work closely with orthopaedic surgeons: Nigel Willis and Chris Hoffman, based at Mana Orthopaedics. Mr Willis and Mr Hoffman specialise in musculoskeletal problems, spinal and foot and ankle surgery. Should you require their expertise we are happy to provide the necessary report and referral.

04 233 9110
Mana Medical Centre,
Level 1, 107 Mana Esplanade
Located within Mana Medical Centre, along with Mana Orthopaedics.
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