Category Archives: Team

Exciting podiatry internship opportunity at Resonance!

Resonance Graduate Opportunity


  •  a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between people; rapport kinship, affinity – a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character;
  •  quality of richness or variety;
  • a quality that makes something personally meaningful or important to someone.

    Resonance Path Logo Artwork

    We offer the right podiatry graduate a paid internship that provides:

Lisa Whiteman

Resonance Podiatry Founder and CEO Dedicated to patient care, passionate lifelong learner, and driven to inspire excellence For over 25 years Lisa has worked tirelessly at raising professional medical and public awareness of the importance and value of high quality Podiatry. Podiatry is a unique medical profession, one where the clinician spends more time, more…

Footwork Podiatry

Located in beautiful, friendly Feilding, Footwork Podiatry focus on offering professional podiatry advice and treatment for all your foot and lower leg concerns. At Footwork Podiatry we regularly participate in professional development, and collegial clinical reviews to ensure we are continuing to offer you the most up to date, research-focused care. We use Silicon Coach…